RapidSpellGUI & RapidSpellGUIDialog

RapidSpellGUIDialog is a JDialog based version of RapidSpellGUI - from here on anything applicable to RapidSpellGUI is also applicable to RapidSpellGUIDialog. RapidSpellGUI is a 100% customisable UI, provides user dictionary functionality, is multi-threaded for slick usability and is extremely simple to use. The interface has a familiar layout and functionality.

RapidSpellGUI will interactively check any JTextComponent derived class, this includes JEditorPane, JTextPane, JTextArea, JTextField and their sub-classes! When invoked in an application the Bean will query the user on each misspelt word allowing the following functions;

The GUI checks selections (querying to continue when finished), wraps from current caret position back to current caret position and handles the user editing the text in your application while checking is in progress.

RapidSpellGUI Summary

Here is a summary of the main features of the RapidSpellGUI Bean, please consult the rest of the documentation for more on the core spell checker engine component, RapidSpellChecker.

Key API Points

RapidSpellGUI(); - argumentless constructor
buildGUI(); - overrideable GUI layout method
setUserDictionaryFile(File file); - uses a file as a user dictionary in addition to main dictionary
check(JTextComponent c); - open GUI window and spell check text in any JTextComponent
setDictFilePath(String filePath); - sets the Dict dictionary file, for main dictionary use
setCheckerEngine(ICheckerEngine e); - sets the core spell checker object, allows customization
setSuggestionsMethod(String m); - sets whether to use hashing or phonetic suggestions
setSeparateHyphenWords(boolean b) - sets hyphenated word behaviour
setLookIntoHyphenatedText(boolean b) - sets hyphenated word behaviour
setIgnoreXML(boolean b) - sets XML/HTML behaviour
setGUILanguage(LanguageType l) - sets the GUI text language
Protected GUI objects allow sub-classes to use in their own designs.
SpellCheckStarted and SpellCheckFinished events.
Please consult the API docs for detailed information and later sections for details on customising the UI.

Simplest Usage Sequence Diagram

Detailed Usage Sequence Diagram